First and Foremost: My Gratitude

Before I start sharing my experiences and letting everyone in on my thoughts, I first need to express my gratitude to those who helped me when I needed it most.

You’ve heard how people seem to come out of the woodwork when there’s newfound riches such as a lottery win, right? It’s the same with friends. You really don’t know just how many you have until times of distress. I was shocked and awed at just how many people came forward with offers for rides and places to stay while I was undergoing treatment away from home, and I was overwhelmed at the general outpouring of well wishes, some of them (to me) from the most surprising of sources. To them I say “Thank You” for the encouragement and support and a few chuckles (Hello Eggroll!)

To my friends at work who took over my duties (I’m truly sorry about that folks), who sent me flowers, notes, and very generous donations to put towards medical, travel costs, and yes, even a rose bush to remind me of how much they care, I say with all my heart “Thank You” to the best bunch of people a person could ever hope to work with.

To my close friends who gave me words of encouragement, chuckles, looked after my plants, and sent me flowers, homemade cards, a wonderful activity package (with a teapot picture puzzle, variety puzzle book and a DVD series — how did they know that I love all of that??) I say “Thank You” — I feel blessed that I have you as my friends and I love you.

To my family who gave me the biggest hugs, who sent me cards & flowers & gifts (who else can say they got a pony ;-), who cried with me, who laughed with me, who nearly tackled the Pastor when he got too close when I was quarantined (oh yes she did), and who drove over 100 km EACH WAY every Saturday to visit & to relieve Seaghan of caregiver duties so he could have a few hours to do what he needed to, and to help Seaghan get me from the car to inside the house when I could barely move from pain, I say “Thank You” — I love you all so very much, and I miss not being with you all of the time.

And finally, to my husband Seaghan — I have no idea how I would have gotten through this without you. You drove me every day to Toronto for treatments while I slept both ways, you prepared the daily skin compresses when I was experiencing radiation burns, you cooked, cleaned, did all of the chores, and did all of the gross things that I couldn’t stomach such as clean my feeding tube wound and unhook the PICC line from the daily hydration IV so I didn’t have to wait for the nurses’ visits. You got me through the daily grind no matter how painful, exhausting, nauseating, or embarrassing it was. You held my hand and were my rock, and words cannot express how much I love you. Well, the vows did say “in sickness and in health” and we sure got that part of it in abundance. Now if only we could move on to the “in richer” part of the vows…

Now, where are those tissues?

— Love Sandi

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